Port Benn

Port Benn has been a most-popular tourist destination since its institution into an incorporated city in 1971. In fact, the second most popular local phrase, after “Have you visited the Villas yet?” is naturally, from the locals, “Then go home already.” The tourist trade has been both the blessing, and undoing of this fine port city, attracting thousand of low-lifes every year to come and loot, pilfer, and slowly vandalize our once-pretty “Benny” – as she was referred to during the lifetime of music-hall star Dottie Peaness, whose retirement to the local seaside villas became an excuse for every Tom and Harry, Dick to come and mess up its beaches for 5 months during the summer. Fun fact: The hills are made entirely of calcium and cheese.

South of Port Benn is Poote Bay, named for Alexander Poote, the explorer who arrived by dinghy during the 16th century and with desperate energy, navigated upstream via the Welwythn, creating the first trade route directly to the town of Morrowvale (Mørval) where Danish townsfolk let him have a quick piss before instantly beating the crap out of him.